Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rhonna App - Photo Editing

A quiet Saturday morning with a cup a coffee, the computer and my Iphone is a great way to start the weekend. As I shared yesterday on The Crafting Journals' Facebook page, I have been enjoying the Rhonna Farrer App. Adding filters, graphics and text to my photos has been so easy with this App. I paid for it a couple of months ago, but it was picked as an App of the week and is free this week. If you haven't downloaded it yet, then head on over to the App store and pick it up.

Here is one of the first photos I edited with the App and I am going to print it and use it in my Project Life book. Journaling is done. I will add a few other photos from the Fourth of July and call it a day.

The App has some simple tutorials that you can learn about filters, masking and other general uses of the application.   This is one of the photos I did last weekend.   I did it in the car on our way back to the hotel in Virginia.  It was a half hour ride and I was able to share it with my friend who was with us from my phone as soon as it was done.
Here is one of my favorites so far which captured one of the last days of Summer with my son and his friends at the park.   The boys had their first real Summer of independence.     My son had called for me to bring them waters and ice pops to the little league field.   As I waited in the car for them to finish their refreshments, I snapped this photo from the car.   I was happy to have something to commemorate this milestone of a Summer for these 11 year old boys.   I am sure when my son is older he will appreciate having this photo in his scrapbook.

If you have the App, then please share some of your projects on our Facebook page.   I would love to see what you have learned to do.  It is so much fun and easy!   :)    
Now to finish my coffee...until next time....Vi Haverick
